- Amine Tarazi, coordinator of the CaLiBank project, has been co-opted as Academic Fellow of the Institut Louis Bachelier in 2021.
- Christophe Hurlin, member of the CaLiBank project, has been co-opted as Academic Fellow of the Institut Louis Bachelier in 2021.
- Amine Tarazi was awarded the Kuwait Prize 2020 in the field of economic and social sciences, KFAS (Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences).
- Amine Tarazi has been invited as Keynote Speaker at the Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation Research Fair 2020, Theme: "Interacting Bank Capital and Liquidity Regulation", 18 September 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia (Online).
- Amine Tarazi has been invited as Keynote Speaker at the 29th EBES Conference, Theme: On the interaction of bank liquidity and capital, 10-12 October 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Amine Tarazi has been invited as a Panel Speaker at the 4th Annual Chapman Conference on Money and Finance: Liquidity: Pricing, Management and Financial Stability, Orange, California, 6-7 September 2019 [after the announcement of the NRA funded
projects], Orange, California. "On the interaction of bank liquidity and capital" (Amine Tarazi, Invited Panel Speaker).
- Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation Research Fair 2020, Online,18 September, 2020, Jakarta. “Interacting bank capital and liquidity regulation” (Amine Tarazi, Keynote Speaker).