Publications/Working papers
Liquidity management under binding regulations
- Ananou F.,Tarazi A.,Wilson J. O. S., Chronopoulous D., (2021), « Liquidity Regulation and Bank Lending », Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 69, August 2021,101997.
- Ananou, F., Chronopoulos, D., Tarazi, A. Wilson, J., (2021). Liquidity regulation and bank risk. LAPE Working Paper.
- Distinguin, I., Labchara, O., Tarazi, A. (2021). Liquidity Shock and Bank Risk. LAPE Working Paper.
- Ardekani M.A., Distinguin I., Tarazi A., (2020), "Do banks change their ratios based on network characteristics?", European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 285, Issue 2, 1 September 2020, Pages 789-803.
- Barry, T., Diabate, A., Tarazi, A. (2020). Unexpected deposit flows, off-balance sheet funding liquidity risk and bank loan production.LAPE Working Paper ⟨hal-02516724⟩.
Regulatory capital requirements and liquidity management
- DeYoung, R., Huang, M. (2021). The External Effects of Bank Executive Pay: Liquidity Creation and Systemic Risk. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 47, July 2021, 100920.
- Barry, T., Diabate, A., Tarazi, A. (2019). Market liquidity shortage and banks' capital structure and balance sheet adjustments: evidence from U.S. commercial Banks. LAPE Working Paper ⟨hal-01965938v2⟩.
Regulatory capital requirements, liquidity and systemic risk
- Dumitrescu, E.-I., Hué, S. Hurlin, C., and Tokpavi, S. (2022), Machine Learning for Credit Scoring: Improving Logistic Regression with Non-Linear Decision-Tree Effects, European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3), 1178-1192.
- Bakkar, Y., Pamen Nyola, A., (2021). Internationalization, foreign complexity and systemic risk: Evidence from European Banks, Journal of Financial Stability, 55, 100892.
- Hurlin, C., Pérignon, C., and Saurin, S. (2021), The Fairness of Credit Scoring Models, SSRN Working paper, April 2021.
- Aibinu, J., Lepetit, L., Strobel, F. (2021). Asset commonality and bank systemic risk. LAPE Working Paper.
- Banulescu-Radu, D., Hurlin, C., Leymarie, J. and Scaillet, O. (2021), Backtesting Marginal Expected Shortfall and Related Systemic Risk Measures, Management Science, 67(9), 5730-5754.
- Bakkar Y., Rugemintwari C., Tarazi A., (2020), "Charter Value, risk-taking and systemic risk in banking before and after the global financial crisis of 2007-2008", Applied Economics, Volume 52, 2020 - Issue 10, Pages 3898-3918, Published online:
14 Feb 2020.
- Beaumont, P., Libert, T., and Hurlin, C. (2019), Granular Borrowers, Université Paris-Dauphine Research Paper No. 3391768
- Bakkar, Y., DeJonghe, O., Tarazi, A. (2023). Does banks’ systemic importance affect their capital structure and balance sheet adjustment processes?, Journal of Banking and Finance, 151, 105518.